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Marbel Learns Quran (Full)

4.0 ( 2320 ratings )
ألعاب التعليم التعليمية الأسرة
1.99 USD

Marbel Learns Qur’an is an education game for kids. It contains of learning to read arabic letter or commonly known as ‘Hijaiyah’ which is also equipped with harokat such as Fatkha, Kasroh, Dumma and Tanwin. Performing an interesting interface, kids will feel comfort to learn Qur’an. Besides, it has audible audio for each letter to make kids learn Qur’an easily. Moreover, it has games for kids too.

Learning Features
- Learning how to read Hijaiyah mode 1
- Learning how to read Hijaiyah mode 2
- Learning how to read Hijaiyah with harokat mode 1
- Learning how to read Hijaiyah with harokat mode 2
- Learning how to read Hijaiyah with tanwin mode 1
- Learning how to read Hijaiyah with harokat mode 1

Game Features
- Playing hijaiyah mode 1
- Playing hijaiyah mode 2
- Playing hijaiyah mode 1
- Playing hijaiyah & harokat mode 1
- Playing hijaiyah & harokat mode 2
- Playing hijaiyah & tanwin mode 1
- Playing hijaiyah & tanwin mode 2
- Score storage
- Report
- Customize character’s dress

Special Quality
-Full animations
-Interesting appearance
-Suitable music for kids
-Properly designed for kids

Available in two languages
- English
- Bahasa Indonesia

Critics and suggestions
As a developer, we commit to develop Marbel. All criticisms and suggestions will motivate us to make it better and better. You can send your suggestions to our email: educastudio@gmail.com

Marbel, which is an abbreviation of MARI BELAJAR SAMBIL BERMAIN (Let’s Learn while Play), is a free education game for kids. It is available in every device. Educa Studio is a mobile company which has been focusing on developing education and Islamic content, and other useful applications for kids.